Coaching and outplacement


Outplacement (also called Career Transition) is a service offered to businesses, or to managers and employees leaving their organization. The aim is to help the person find the most suitable new position, taking into account a broad range of  parameters: timescale, urgency, will to evolve, to create a business, to move to another sector, etc.; or simply , the will to find a new position that is fairly similar to the previous one.

Outplacement includes coaching for a large part, and a coach would probably be the most appropriate person to help achieve professional objectives.

But the coach must have outplacement experience. The coach will help you know yourself better, help you define and achieve your career project. Real coaching! The coach will also provide some advice: how to write your resume, how to network, how to perform in a job interview…

Selecting a coach: useful tips…

-Your coach will require both good outplacement experience and in-depth knowledge of the local jobs and job market.

-He/she should apply a proven and well structured methodology. Outplacement is a serious process, which should run smoothly and efficiently.

-The coach’s own background probably is a strong asset to you, as his/her professional seniority will bring constructive expertise.

-And, obviously, the cost, and a fair amount of services (i.e. Internet tools, facilities, workshops…) should be offered in return.

-But more importantly, a good understanding between you and your coach is absolutely essential.  Outplacement is first and foremost about human interaction.

A new year begins. Maybe the right time to approach an outplacement coaching organization? Why not do some research, browse, ask?

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